Manufactured Home Installation

Cost Calculator

951 Mobile Home
Cost Calculator

Thank you for using our cost calculator. to get an initial price range for your project! To receive a detailed,final quote tailored specifically to your needs, please give us a call. We're ready to discuss your project in more detail and provide you with a comprehensive and accurate quotation. Looking forward to speaking with you and bringing your project to life!


  • No, the cost estimated by the calculator covers only the installation and associated construction services, not the price of the mobile home unit.

  • Yes on inspections and no on permits. Our estimate takes care of all the inspections involved in setting up your mobile home. But just a heads-up - securing permits and their fees aren't included in our calculator. Permit costs can really differ depending on where you're located, so they're something you'll want to look into separately to get the full financial picture.

  • Our cost calculator provides a comprehensive estimate that covers virtually everything you need to get your certificate of occupancy and move into your new home. This includes the complete mobile home installation process – from preparing the site and positioning your home, to adding the finishing touches like skirting or a block wall and constructing the steps. We also take care of all utility connections and necessary inspections, ensuring everything is in place from start to finish. The goal is to leave your home ready for you to move in and start enjoying right away!

  • Absolutely, our handy calculator happily crunches the numbers for connecting all your essential utilities - gas, water, sewer, and electrical services. It's based on the distances and specifics you share with us. Just a little note though, our estimates cover the connections up to the point where they enter your property line. If you need to bring utilities in from the street, that part is a separate adventure and not included in our estimate.

  • While our calculator provides a good ballpark figure, the actual cost can vary based on site-specific conditions and market fluctuations. For a precise quote, a detailed on-site assessment is recommended.